Tuesday 10 June 2014

The importance of stretching to prevent injuries in winter and get the results you crave!

We've all been guilty of it, pumping out a great workout, feeling fantastic (or ruined - depends on the goal), race straight to the showers, straight to work and SIT on our butts all day!  
Then two days later wonder "damn I feel ridiculously sore from that workout and my muscles are stupidly tight….better not go to the gym." 

Stretching is often the most important part of a workout.  That’s not a typo, it really is vital to maintaining an injury free and results driven performance program, whether you’re trying to lose weight, gain muscle or just overall fitness. Not stretching can lead to increased pain after a workout, making us not want to workout again, and losing our consistent workout streak. 

A good stretching programme after your workout can make all the difference!

However, paying a personal trainer to get you to stretch for a decent amount of time can often cut into your actual workout time, or drive the session time (and the $$) way up.

Stretching isn’t hard, but you do have to be smart about it.

Here’s some equipment you will need:

A mat (chances are your butt is sore enough from all the lunging you just did, am I right?)

A stretchy rubber strap (you can get them for less than $10 from Rebel or your local physio) or just use a skipping rope

A towel

A foam roller (these will usually be in the dumbbell/kettlebell/swissball area of the gym) otherwise you can pick them up from Rebel, a physiotherapist or even Clark Rubber (cheap and nasty but gets the job done)

A small ball ( a tennis ball or cricket ball will do the trick)

The main spots most of us need to stretch are:

pecs (chest), quads (front of thighs), hams (back of thighs), glutes (bum) and back….

Pecs (minor – the ones directly in front of your armpit and towards your midline and major – from below your collarbone to your sternum, across your nipples and down to the bottom of your chest)
·   Vital for pulling our shoulders back and keeping that great posture you’ve worked so hard for.
·     Especially important for guys after chest day, nobody wants that gorilla back!

Pecs stretch
This one is great for your pec minor, to relieve tightness and pulling your shoulders back… 
walk into a corner of a room and face it. Put your arms on either side and "push" your way out. 
Here's some more stretches...
For those of use that work a lot at a desk or drive continuously, this stretch is vital and should be done as often as possible to avoid bad posture (that hunched over look)
This works well when done behind your back as well. 

Glutes and hip flexors

These are your butt muscles (glutes) and your hip flexors are in the front directly in front of your hip (these are in the crease of our hip if we sit down)

The issue is with most of our lifestyles, we sit all day in some degree
·        Sit in the car or the train on the way to work
·        Sit at our desks
·        Sit at lunch
·        Sit on the loo
     You get the gist…

As a result our bodies are constantly in “triple flexion”, and we also lean and reach forward  = bad posture!
This gives us tight hip flexors (bad) and weak ass glutes! (really bad!) leading to…
  •      Bad posture
  •      Lower back pain
  •      Upper back pain
  •      Weak core 
  •      Increased injuries
  •      Weight gain
  •      A flat bum

No wonder sitting is the new smoking!

Quads (front of your thighs) and hamstrings (back of your thighs)

These BIG muscle groups are vital to stretch as it decrease soreness and increases mobility and range of motion through our knees and hips as your quads and hamstrings directly influence these joints.

Plus stretching both with a towel or skipping rope and rolling it out with a foam roller, ensure the muscle stays long and supple and not tight and short (ah leg day, day after 3cm long hamstrings!).

Here’s some great moves to get these muscles groups stretched out:

And finally…..

A word on foam rolling  (or Self-myofascial release if you want to get fancy)
    Always roll towards the heart (you can crush little tiny blood vessels if you    roll back and forth, creating blood pooling = more pain and inflammation the next day!)

·        Never roll over joints – just don’t. That is all.
       You are going to roll over tight spots that damn near bring tears to your eyes. Stop on that spot and hold it. And cry if you need to. But hold it anyway, at least for 20-30 seconds

If you want a run down about some particular stretches or foam rolling techniques, feel free to come and ask in the gym or contact me for a session that’s specific to you and your needs!

And an article via The Artof Manliness, with lots of pictures for pretty much every foam rolling exercise you haven’t thought of!

Happy stretching! 
- Ash 

images from: 


Monday 9 June 2014

Keep up the results and the motivation during winter!

Keep up the results and the motivation during winter!

Now that it’s starting to get a little chilly, the last thing you want to do is roll out of bed at 6am and hit the gym. Or fit in a quick workout on the way home when a hot dinner and passing out on the lounge sounds way more tempting!

My name’s ASH and Here’s my 5 hot tips to keep your results up and motivation high while the temperature drops this winter…

11.     Always have your gym clothes ready to go, and keep them somewhere warm.
Even pop them in the dryer while you’re in the shower, or wear them to bed (if you're that    desperate!)

22.     Have a really good warm up
When our muscles and joints are cold we are more prone to injury and strains. To get the most out of your workout make sure you warm up well before and cool down and stretch afterwards.

Here’s a great interval style workout to get you warmed up and ready!
Choose your weapon of torture (treadmill, x-trainer, rower, stairs, a hill on the way to the gym….)
30 seconds easy pace, 30 seconds hard out, 30 seconds easy, 30 seconds hard…repeat till you get warm!
I find the x trainer and the rower great for this as it puts our bodies through movements we will actually use!

33.     Keep up the good work with your nutrition!
There’s no point living on green smoothies and poached chicken salad in summer, only to replace it with heavy pastas and hot chocolates during winter. Don’t undo all your good work! You can still have comfort food just trick it up with healthy alternatives! Instead of hot chocolate have tea, and “crowd out” with lots of hearty veggie cassseroles and light curries so you’ve got no room to eat crappy food. We can use winter to build muscle and strength by eating a bit more, but that doesn’t mean you have to go overboard (“I’m Bulking” doesn’t give you a license to induce heart disease and obesity over winter…)

Boil veggies (my favourite is pumpkin and sweet potato or cauliflour and leek) add some protein (chicken or lean bacon), add water, stock, herbs and blend! Easy, yummy SOUP!
(If you need the carbs serve with a side of wholemeal brown toast or brown rice.)

44.     Plan out your workouts the night before, or better yet save yourself the time and get a personal trainer to do it for you!
Planning out an effective workout programme helps you stay on pointe with your goals and results. Plus it gets you in and out of the gym quicker, meaning you can have a bit of a sleep in, WINNING!
Plan for a months worth of workouts, and have a small goal at the end of each week (e.g. lift heavier, run further), with a big one at the end!

55.     Plan a little reward each time you hit a goal
That’s not an excuse to have a gigantic cheat meal (like The Rock), I mean schedule a massage, make a new workout playlist, make a great HEALTHY meal, go the movies, get some fresh new Nikes….
The options are there, just make them good ones, don’t reward yourself for having a great workout week by ruining your consistent efforts!

There you have it, keep up the great work!  - Ash

Friday 28 March 2014

Going from lounge lizard to Workout Warrior!

Hey guys, 

obviously I haven't blogged in a little while, life's good like that, it does tend to get in the way (in a good a way), 

and this can tend to get in the way of your workout. But only if you let it….
you might work 9-5 (or 7-7 for a good majority of us), work part time and do uni full time, or you might be a full time mum (or dad)…either way your life is probably absolutely packed full. How on earth are you supposed to work out as well. 

Because you have to. Too many people don't make their health a priority and let the areas that need the most attention slide due to their careers and getting ahead (like sleep and eating properly). 

Now yes, I'm a PT, its my job to train other people and myself, but I'm also a bartender and a full time uni student doing a science degree. So I need to practice what I preach just as much as the rest of you!


1. Set GOALS! 

In sport's psychology there is a much loved theory of SMAART goals… Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Action, Results oriented and Time Bound. 

Specific -you need to make sure your goals are important to you (not your doctor, not your partner…you need to WANT to get healthy!), 

Measurable as in you'll know when you get there (kg's lost, fit into those old jeans, finish that race), 

Achievable as in if you're keen to run a marathon but can barely scrap out a 1km, probably don't choose one that's in a month. 

Action Oriented - have a plan! How are you going to get there?

Results Oriented - your aiming for an end goal, how will you know when you get there and what's your next goal?

Time bound - have a start and a finish date, like 10 weeks from now, so you don't keep running towards an unknown end date, it's nice to know there's some light at the end of a tunnel (and a hot bod!)

2. Have a workout buddy - or better yet a workout group!

This one is so important, because it keeps you accountable. Its pretty damn hard to drag yourself out of bed at 5:30am in the morning for a run (trust me, I ran my bootcamp in the dark this morning!), but its a bit easier if you know you've got a mate waiting for you (or a whole group of mates) ready and waiting at the gym or in the park. 
Plus everyone knows you get a great chat and catchup in and people to have a coffee with after. And I do LOVE coffee…

3. Crack open your diary and schedule it in! 

if you have a meeting, exam, doctor's appointment, whatever, you schedule it into your diary or your smartphone right? Why should a workout be any different?
Take 5 minutes on a Sunday and suss out your week, find a 1 hour hole per day (or 1 less hour of watching the idiot box…we're all guilty) and set out a 45min/1hr workout (45min leaves you 15min for a shower). You wouldn't shirk on your boss or your doctor so why would you shirk on an appointment with the no.1 VIP in your life….yourself!

4. Bring in the professionals!

Yes, I get that I'm a little biased here, but it's seriously the best way of making sure you get an effective workout in the limited time you have. Chances are if you're battling to find time to workout, you sure as hell don't have time to write up an effective program. And if your not unto scratch on workout routines and moves or have equipment (like kettlebells or weights and battle ropes) your program might be limited to treadmill running or basic and boring weights routines. Leave it to a PT, to design a workout thats fun and original and uses your time efficiently!!

5. Join an actual gym. With classes. 

I'm not knocking any of the 24hr gyms, they definitely have their place, and some of them are running classes now, but when you join a bigger gym, they generally run classes of all different types at all different times, so regardless of when you go, there will be a well planned, high intensity class that goes for an 1 hr run by a professional. Or a yoga class that you can unwind in after your fantastically planned out week of workouts…..

Put these into practice and I guarantee exercise will start becoming a normal part of your weekly  routine. The best part is when you don't workout one day, and it feels really weird. like you've forgotten to put on pants…that's when you've made a habit. Well done you!

What's a goal that works for you? Any motivational things you do to get your butt up an moving in the morning?

- Ash

Thursday 13 March 2014

The beginning of AH Fitness Solutions: turning a sprint into a marathon

Hello to anyone that might be reading this!
First up I thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm Ash, I'm a PT and I study Exercise Science at uni.
now the formalities are out of the way, 
I'll go into why I actually started AH Fitness Solutions, and how scaring the frigging crap out of yourself might be the best thing you do all year...

A little background on me…

I started AH Fitness Solutions (my burgeoning personal training business) as almost a knee jerk reaction to some health problems my family went through in 2014. A few different things happened, but one in particular…my dad having open heart surgery scared the friggin' crap out of me. 

For anyone thats met my dad, they would know that it was a massive shock that this tall, strong, moustachioed ex-army dude actually had a ticking time bomb of an embolism sitting on the front wall of his heart. 

Dad was lucky, due to a routine stress test, we found out he had actually already had the heart attack long ago without actually noticing it (!!) and that the doctors had caught the embolism just in time, and that it was a matter of a little (ha) double coronary bypass and ant. wall reconstruction to get in and repair the damage.

Now, yes my family does have a history of heart disease.
And yes Dad did smoke. For a very long time. So it shouldn't really have been such a shock.
However, anyone that's experienced a major health event in their family would know it tends to trigger off other events, some good, some bad.

So dad's heart surgery triggered me to do something big. Knee jerk reaction big. 'Heart in my throat scared' big. 

I stuck my hand up and said I'd run the New York City Marathon. This year. I've never run a marathon before…a couple of (slow) halfers but 42km (whilst jet lagged is a friggin long way).

I'm running it for the HEART FOUNDATION (their vital research is why Dad's still here, us raising money keeps them doing it!), and I'm raising $7500 (plus) that goes purely to them. 

So in order to raise funds, I started AH FITNESS SOLUTIONS a personal training business, that runs charity bootcamps…all profits go to the Heart Foundation.
Simple right?
Surprise…business is hard work. Especially when your mid-way through a really hard Exercise Science degree and have to work as a bartender at night to make ends meet…and train for a marathon (next post I'll talk about working through a plateau and finding motivation again. trust me I've been there)

I'm currently in the beginner stages…the stage where I'm told most people quit.

I went to an International Business Women's day lunch run by the fantastic Jane Copeland of Coping With Jane, where Anthea Cahill (of Real Chai Founder and Iquitmyjob.com.au) said this (I'm paraphrasing here), to stop procrastinating! to dive right in even if starting my own business scares the shit of me! and to remember that business isn't a marathon….it's a sprint.

Being a runner that last one resonated the most with me. Both Jane and Anthea's sites are absolutely cracking resources for those of you who also have knee jerk reactions and start a business.

Starting a business is terrifying. But good terrifying. Like being at the top of a really high roller coaster. With a blindfold on. In the nude.

Putting myself out there is pretty scary. The look in people's eyes when you tell them to do 50 burpees is scarier.

But not having my Dad around to see me walk down the aisle or meet his grandkids would have been scariest of all. 

take care of yourselves, 


What's happened in your life to make you have a knee jerk reaction?

Have you/are you starting a business right now and peeing your pants in terror?